TCU Sports Documentary class releases ‘Remember the Alamo Bowl’

t’s only fitting that with TCU back in the Alamo Bowl, the sports documentary class in the Film Television and Digital Media department would premiere “Remember the Alamo Bowl,” a film they’ve been working on all semester about the last time the Horned Frogs played in the game.
“The release couldn’t come at a better time with us returning to the Alamo Bowl this year to take on Stanford,” producer Alexa Shaw said.
There had been rumors that Disney was looking to make a movie about the game, but the class decided to put a film in production as their project for the semester.
“It’s a really good story,” Shaw said. “So we thought to bring it to life like no one has done it before.”
Shaw said the documentary is around 30 minutes in length.
“It’s one of the most iconic stories for the school and TCU athletics,” interview and logistics coordinator/social media manager Annie LaGrandeur said.
The documentary goes back to the 2014 College Football Playoff selection and TCU’s Peach Bowl win as well as the 2015 season leading into the bowl game.
“We go all the way back to build up to the moment that was that Alamo Bowl Game,” Shaw said.
LaGrandeur said the most interesting part of the production was the interviews, especially Alamo Bowl Offensive MVP Bram Kohlhausen’s.
“Picking Bram’s brain was fascinating since he said he treated the game like a vacation until he found out he was starting the game,” LaGrandeur said. “He was the main component of this documentary.”
The class also brought in Mark Cohen, the TCU Director of Athletics Media Relations.
“He provides such a historical viewpoint on it and the history of that team that season,” LaGrandeur said. “His brain is like a history book. He thought it was one of Gary Patterson’s best coaching seasons.”
Another former player who is featured in the short film is kicker Jaden Oberkrom.
“Jaden Oberkrom is a character within himself,” LaGrandeur said. “He’s super humorous, brought a lot of jokes into the film.”
number of students were also interviewed for the film.
“A common theme that came from talking to students was how prideful they are to go to TCU and how that game reiterated that for them,” Shaw said.
The production was fully student-produced in addition to Shaw and LaGrandeur: Avery Vanechanos and Katie Trefz worked on the audio; Bing Banta, Ethan Crocker, Kelcee Harwood, and Mitchell Davis edited the documentary; Kendall Washington and Marisa Malevitis were in charge of lighting; Bailey Strobel and Alexis Guerrero provided the graphics.Read More
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